Professional School Counselor Essay

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A seventeen year old high school male student, who is an outstanding athlete, sits in in my office in tears and tells me he is gay. He is afraid if his coaches’ find out things will be significantly different for him as an athlete. Currently in his junior year, he is the starting running back and has been the lead scorer. He has exemplary stats and is most assuredly on track for an athletic scholarship to college upon graduation, and does not want to jeopardize his chances. The coaches have used the word “sissy” during practice and one coach even pointed to the men’s locker room and said, “make sure you use the correct one.” Even though none of the comments have been directed at him, he feels they would change how they treat him and possibly not let him start. …show more content…

of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) my responsibility lies with the student.
a. “Professional school counselors have a primary obligation to the students, who are to be treated with dignity and respect as unique individuals.”
c. “Professional school counselors respect students’ values, belief, and cultural background and do not impose the school counselor’s personal values on students or family.”
e. “Professional school counselors promote the welfare of individual students and collaborate with them to develop an action plan for success” (2010).

I did this when I allowed the student to talk through his feelings without judgement. I reminded him that we have not control over how others will react. During our conversation, I never expressed my feelings towards homosexuality or posed my view points. I allowed him to see his athletic abilities would not change if he does disclose. I did reassure him the comments the coaches made were highly insensitive. I stated they probably were not even aware their comments could cause emotional harm. In accordance with the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, I respected the student’s