Program Assessment Essay

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Program Assessment Overview I gathered and analyze the MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) results and assessed the current strengths and weakness in student achievement in our middle school Mathematics program. Based on the program assessment results, we added Problem Solving in Arithmetic course and made some changes on Math curriculum. Theme The program assessment activity is aligned with “Standard 4. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment standard because it is important for educators to analyze data for developing a clear understanding of school program and practices. My activity is also aligned with the Program outcome #2 that states “Employ evidence-based strategies, including observation and high-quality professional development, and intellectual processes to support teachers as they strengthen content …show more content…

I started my activity by gathering the fall and winter test results in 6th grade math. I also gathered the summative assessment results from the school information portal and teachers. The MAP assessment results and summative test results showed that 55% of the 6th grade students are struggling in the area of operations and Algebraic thinking (see Appendix A for more information on 6th Grade Math MAP growth). The data clearly shows that, Expressions and Equations, Use Functions to Model Relationships are the areas we need to improve. I and our admin team including math department chair talked about the possible improvement plans. One of them is addition quarter long Problem solving in Arithmetic known as Real world problem solving” in order to improve student skills in Algebraic thinking. The new course is a mandatory course which is taught by a new hire math teacher. The teacher will focus on the weaknesses of students by using real world problems in order to improve student engagement in math

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