Progressive Movement Goals

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During the Progressive Movement we had 3 presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Each of these presidents had some very good reforms that have made this country be how it is today. All of these things that presidents have done tie in with a goal of the Progressive Movement, there were 4 goals. One- Social Welfare, Two- Economic Reform, Three- Moral Improvement, and Four- Fostering Efficiency. These goals were accomplished in many ways. T.R. was the first president during this time, one of the things he did during his time as president was the Meat Inspection Act, which came after Muckrakers wrote that the meat factories were running a very poor business. Roosevelt didn’t believe them so he had people go check it out and see if it was true, when the came back they approved it …show more content…

Another thing he did was the Pure Food and Drug Act and this act was to restrict foods so that businesses had to tell the truth about what was in their food with a ingredients label (which still exist today). This act would be another act tied in with economic reform, because this act reformed businesses to where they have to be more honest about their food with telling the customers exactly what is in them. But this act along with the Meat Inspection Act would also be social welfare, because it is trying to make food more sanitary for the people to eat and make people more healthy. Furthermore Roosevelt was named a Trust Buster for breaking up a lot of trusts. The first trust he broke up was the Northern Cooperation which was a railroad. Being a Trust Buster would tie in with economic reform, because T.R. would reform the trusts to make them be gone or would make them better. Hepburn and Elkins Act were 2 acts that regulated the railroad. The Hepburn Act ended free passes, and the Elkins act ended rebates and public