Progressivism In The 1920s

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The 1920s was a time of development for America as a whole; the Progressive Era was in full swing due to the rapid American Industrialization and the change in traditional thought processes. Progressive reformers at this point in history were working towards familiarizing the nation with new beliefs, contrary to those of traditional ways of life. The newfound concept of progressivism was perpetuated due to the increase of media throughout the country - it was stated that, “The 1920s was a decade of change, when many Americans owned cars, radios, and telephones for the first time,” (“1920s: A Decade of Change”). The sources of media were expanding, thus the reach of media and news was able to spread nationwide - people from all over the country …show more content…

The white slavery epidemic can be traced back to the time period; the 1920s was a period of evolution for the typical woman, where the response was the flapper; a “...tomboyish and flamboyant [female]: [with] short bobbed hair; knee-length, fringed skirts; long, draping necklaces; and rolled stockings” and also it was stated in the same article that “...few women actually fit this image, it was used widely in journalism and advertising to represent the rebelliousness of the period” (Culture in the 1920s: Loosening Social Structure). The image of the new woman, the flapper, was just as manipulated by the press as it was for white slavery. The flapper was described to be more promiscuous, and to have more sexual freedom than before, having the ability to show kees which was frowned upon before. This freedom for women was shocking to all of the traditionalist thinkers at the time; they were unable to allow women to have all the liberty that they had, so in turn, “...rumors, taken as truth, that women were being forced into prostitution...The plague of "white slavery" was on everyone 's minds. Muckraking journalists fueled the hysteria with sensationalized stories of innocent girls kidnapped off the streets by foreigners, drugged, smuggled across the country and forced to work in brothels” (The Long, Colorful History of the Mann