Failure Of Prohibition

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The Failure of the Prohibition Student Name Institutional Affiliation The Failure of the Prohibition Although the Prohibition established by the 18th Amendment was associated with at least temporary positive impacts such as increased family savings, decreased alcoholism, and better health among Americans during the early 1920s, the law also contributed to the rise of organized gangs and this led to the difficulties in law enforcement and regulation (McGirr, 2016). At the beginning of the Prohibition era, few experts warned that the Eighteenth Amendment would not go well and true to their prediction, attempts to outlaw alcoholism in America led to a disgraceful account of unintended consequences. Murder, arrests for drunken driving corruption …show more content…

However, these officers had difficulties pursuing bootleggers. This is because of the insufficient resources for the police that could not enable their efficient operations to keep up with adequately bankrolled organized criminal groups. Given the little payment the prohibition officers received, they could not operate as enforcement agents without being compromised. Beside the little pay when compared to other skilled workers, enforcement agents were at risk of being killed by gangs whose illegal liquor businesses were threatened by these officers. More violent forms of crime such as murder became popular in major cities with murder rate climbing 78% across the entire country (Thorntorn, 1991). When the 18th Amendment was repealed, the country noted a sharp drop in homicide …show more content…

Ineffectiveness of the law system meant that so many people violating the law would still be out there walking free. Juries failed to convict individuals who were brought to prosecution for making, transporting or selling alcohol illegally. Even those who went to speakeasies were supposed to be arrested and convicted but juries showed too much sympathy because most of these individuals arrested were just ordinary people. Although gangsters could get only less sympathy, they had money and could bribe both judges and juries. Therefore, each time an arrest was made, the likelihood of an individual who was arrested walking back to the community was high. For instance, in New York City, reported a total of 6,902 cases of breaches. The judiciary dismissed 6,704 of all these cases dues to lack of ‘sufficient evidence.’ An additional 40 cases never underwent trial. This minimal action from the courts sent a clear message regarding the pervasive disrespect for the Prohibition law (even juries) and this would motivate more people to join criminal

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