Promises In John Steinbeck's Taeh Scream

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Pulling his hood farther over his head, Taehyung steps out into the cold. He almost feels guilty when he materializes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket; he promised his mother that he would quit smoking, but he figures what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, so he shrugs and flicks the lighter to life anyway. Maybe Taehyung isn’t so great at the whole promise thing, but he thinks that maybe there isn’t enough data. He isn’t a person that makes many promises—mostly small things that he knows can definitely be accomplished. Like giving Jimin a ride home from work or reading that book that Namjoon has been pestering him about. The most important promise he makes is to a boy with fire in his eyes. He doesn’t use words when he makes it, and he doesn’t know if it’s his fault or not, but he still can’t keep it. …show more content…

His heart thudding erratically to outlive the inferno. Not the kind that, looking back, he sort of wishes it was—the kind that swallows everything in its path and spits it back out into ash with an eerie quietness. Instead it’s the kind that swirls deep inside of the stomach and roars upwards into words he can’t finish without accidentally doubling his syllables, fumbling over the tongue he’s used to smoothly form words up until that