Benefits Of Collaborative Governance

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Drivers for collaboration
Power/Resource balances: the imbalances of power between stakeholders are usually a noticeable problem in collaborative governance (Gray, 1989; Short &Winter, 1999; Susskind &Cruikshank, 1987; Tett, Crowther, & O’Hara, 2003; Warner, 2006). If some stakeholders do not have the capacity, competence, condition, or resources to participate in an equal position with other stakeholders, the collaborative governance process will be prone to manipulation by stronger actors. Therefore, if there are remarkable power/resource imbalances between stakeholders, such that influential stakeholders cannot participate in a meaningful way, then effective collaborative governance requires a dedication to a positive strategy of empowerment …show more content…

So, if there is a prehistory of conflict among stakeholders, then collaborative governance is improbable to succeed unless (a) there is a high degree of interdependence among the stakeholders or (b) positive steps are taken to remedy the low levels of trust and social capital among the stakeholders.
Interdependence: when stakeholders are unable to fulfill something on their own, is a broadly recognized precondition for collaborative action (Gray, 1989; Thomson & Perry, 2006). The final driver, uncertainty, is a primary challenge for managing social problems (Koppenjan & Klijn, 2004; Rittel &Webber, 1973). Uncertainty that cannot be resolved internally can drive groups to collaborate in order to decrease, distribute, and share risk. Collective uncertainty about how to manage social problems is also related to the driver of interdependence.

Environmental …show more content…

Actors have to be subjected to different kinds of accountability. Rule of law: administrative decisions must be authoritative by law, predictable and based on the principle of non-discrimination.

Efficiency: there must be compatibility between the Government’s statements and actions, connectedness across the different parts of the government institutions, both in implementation and opinions, and proper use of resources in order to solve problems.

Expertise: the executive power should have the available resources and the access to use the needed expertise in different