Pros And Cons Of Adoption

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ADOPTION Adoption is a legal act of placing a child with parents or a parent apart from the birth parent on a permanent basis where the parental rights of the birth parent are then terminated as the adoptive parents take the legal responsibility to take care of the child. The child also gets the legal right to the adoptive parents as that born to them. The connection between the adoptive parent and the child is legal and also binding which will be a crime for the adoptive parent to abandon the child. The adoptive parents here will have the legal right to make life decisions that will influence the destiny of the child such as: type of schools to attend; discipline methods to be used; type of religious education, etc. Kornitzer, M. (1952). Adoption occurs for several reasons. Mothers may get pregnant when not in a serious …show more content…

The mother can then choose to take the child for adoption to a family who are financially stable and can provide good life to the child. Fravel, D. L., McRoy, R. G., & Grotevant, H. D. (2000). In my perspective adoption is good and not an easy task to everyone. For one to get into adopting a child, he or she needs to have enough knowledge on adoption and embrace all that comes with it. This is because the adoptee may not feel comfortable staying with adoptive parents. The adoptive parents may have joy for having a child with them but the child may not feel the same especially when it comes to celebrations such as mothers’ day and the birthdays. Adoption is very important in cases of infertility. So many people see life a meaningless without the gift of becoming a parent. When one adopts a child and take good care of the child, he or she will be satisfied and live a happy life. Adoptions then give such individuals to live a fulfilling life with their children and even provide the children with opportunities that were

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