Pros And Cons Of Affordable Housing Policy

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Affordable Housing policy response. Affordable housing did not get hold of a significant consideration in the course of debate in the Parliament (AHURI, 2017). The Government had dedicated to taking on a review of affordable housing policies and programs as part of the reform of the development process, with housing issues also to be considered as part of the transformation on the reform of Australia’s tax system. however, Lawson, Legacy and Parkinson (2016) has arguing that, the main constraint to such investment would appear to be that institutional investors have shown relatively little interest in affordable housing, mainly due to perceptions of risk and affordable housing’s relatively low returns. Pawson, Martin and Flanagan (2016) point out that, if investors’ reluctance is to be overcome, then it is likely that this will require government incentives and the introduction of some form of financial instrument. This financial instruments could help to increase the supply of affordable housing over the longer term. On the other hand, the low income households are currently experiencing housing stress and they need help to get some relief, hence …show more content…

First, it will depend on whether the changes made to delivery of housing assistance to be sufficient to ensure that affordable housing suppliers do have the financial capacity to expand. Second, if they do have this capacity, it will depend on whether they are able access non-government funds to finance expansion (Yate, 2013, P.123). Therefore, the supply of affordable will increase community and individual well-being, attract and sustain a diverse community to enhance the ability of ACT government to attract needed communities and stimulate the growth of the

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