Pros And Cons Of Becoming The American President

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Becoming the American president comes with a lot of stigmas that surround it. When picturing the president most people would picture an older, white male because that’s what most of history has had with only a few exceptions. To be a successful president we imagine they must be powerful, confident, and masculine. We are told as children that everyone should dream of becoming president. Although any American can become president, the American public has myths that have been presented throughout society. These myths place expectations on who the president can be, and have the ability to restrict what the president can become. Historically, the American president has been a middle-aged, white male. The president must be at least 35 years old and born in America, but those are the only restrictions on who can become president. The only exception to this myth of presidents being white is Barrack Obama. The most current 2016 election had the most diversity is who was running for …show more content…

As children, we grow up learning about the presidents and what made them good people with good character, and something that we should aspire to be ourselves. Most presidents that are famous throughout history had good character that made them memorable. We remember Washington and Lincoln as honest and compassionate presidents who cared about the American people. Yet, we also have other presidents we remember in bad ways, such as Richard Nixon’s Watergate incident that cost him the presidency, John F. Kennedy being a womanizer, and Bill Clinton’s infidelity (Miller). These are the men that go down in history for their mistakes in character, not any good that they did accomplish in their presidency. “’We want somebody that we see as ourselves: We’re likable people want to have us around, you’re intelligent, you make good decisions,’” (Sun). We want to see the president be the best person because they are who represents us as

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