Pros And Cons Of Biometric Identification

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Biometric identification is a way to identify someone by using fingerprints, facial recognition, DNA, irises, voice patterns, and palmprints. Fingerprints are seen in many movies and tv shows as a way to get into classified areas and get classified information. Fingerprint Identification is an impression of the friction ridges of all or any part of the finger that is cataloged on paper or electronically and can be used when crime scene investigators to identify the killer. Pros for fingerprint identification are that it takes very little time, and most people are familiar with the use of fingerprint for identification purposes, so it is generally accepted as a technology. Probably the greatest pro about fingerprint identification is that no …show more content…

Facial Recognition is a system where a picture of someone is taken and matched with pictures from a database to find a specific person. It is used for surveillance purposes; as in searching for a lot child or a criminal. The nice thing about facial recognition is that you do not need up close for it to work, you can be far away. Facial Recognition has several different versions. One version uses 3-D sensors to capture distinct parts of the face. This version isn’t affected by light and can recognize a face from many different angles. Another version of facial recognition is Skin Texture Analysis. This version takes the unique patterns, lines, and spots and turns them into a mathematical space. Even though there are different ways to do Facial Recognition, it needs to be perfected. Some Facial Recognition systems could have problems with image quality, image size, and processing and storage. If I were in charge of security of a bank vault and had to choose between Fingerprint Identification and Facial Recognition, I would choose Fingerprint Identification. I would choose it because it has been around for along time and lots of people know …show more content…

The two we learned in class this semester was EcoRI and HindIII. We used these enzymes during gel electrophoresis, a process that separates long pieces of DNA into shorter pieces. The enzyme EcoRI comes from the bacteria Escherichia coli. This makes up the first part of the name Eco. The E stands for Escherichia, which is its genus. co stands for coli which is the specific epithet. R stands for RY13 the specific strain, and I stands for first identified and is the number for classification. HindIII comes from the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae. H stands for Haemophilus, its genus. in stands for influenza, which is the specific epithet. The D is its strand, and III is its identification number. The DNA sequence EcoRI cuts is GAATTC. In our DNA sequence there was three places where it cut and gave us four different strands. The longest strand had seventeen base pairs, the second longest had sixteen base pairs, the third strand had seven base pairs, and the last strand had two base

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