
Pros And Cons Of Clinical Global Impression

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Clinical Global Impression Pros and Cons Numerous studies has adopted the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) as one of the clinical tools. CGI can be used in a wide range of mental illness diseases, such as bipolar disease, depression and autism spectrum disorder. There are three types of CGI questionnaires (CGI-Severe, CGI-Improvement and CGI-Efficacy) and each type of CGI has a 7-point scale which allows clinicians to modify to suit the interest of study. CGI is flexible, easy to administrate and understand. However, as CGI is based upon subjective feedback from clinicians and raters, some studies argue the validity and reliability of the test. In addition, there is no universally accepted scoring guidelines at the moment; rather they were …show more content…

FYI: https://archive.org/stream/ecdeuassessmentm1933guyw#page/218/mode/2up Development: The CGI was developed for use in clinical trials to provide a concise assessment of the clinician's view of the patient's global functioning prior to and after initiating a study medication. The CGI provides an overall clinician-determined summary measure that takes into account all available information, including a knowledge of the patient's history, psychosocial circumstances, symptoms, behavior, and the impact of the symptoms on the patient's ability to function. (Busner & Targum, 2007). Components: CGI has two components that are commonly used—the CGI-Severity which rates illness severity, the CGI-Improvement which compares change from the initiation (baseline) of treatment, and CGI-Efficacy index which measures the baseline condition to a ratio of current treatment (Formann et al, 2011). Most studies usually adopted only one or two of the components to assess treatment response (Spearing, …show more content…

Hollander and his team used two versions of the CGI tests, one focused on irritability and a general version CGI-I-autism focused on all symptoms including core symptom domains (2010). They also modified it to open-ended questioning related to the degree of interference, nature, and range of behavioral problems of the subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at school and at home. A 5-point rating scale also introduced in Chez and his colleagues’ study on children with ASD, as parents were required to fill in for six investigative domains every 2 weeks throughout the 8 weeks research project

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