Pros And Cons Of Completive Sports

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Some people believe competitive sports for children should not only be allowed but also encouraged. Also some people believe that completive sports are dangerous to children and too hard for children to participate in. This is a very big issue seeing as many people have different opinions, as well as some good points from both sides. It is clear that children should be allowed to participate in completive sports if they would like to, playing in completive sports can teach life benefits like teamwork to children and that can get them more social to this world we are in today, yet there will be an argument that completive sports are dangerous to children’s bodies and, yes, the children can get hurt, but if the coaches teach them proper safety and the children wear …show more content…

Grace Chen, an educator, has seen how some children have found talents that they didn’t know they had, when she wrote, “Athletics offers teens a physical outlet to exert their troubles, anger, and emotions. As hormones alter teens’ moods and thoughts, competition fosters an opportunity for teens to interact with fellow peers, coaches, and mentors, while helping them understand their own abilities and talents,” (“Pros and Cons of sports competition at the High school level,” 2015). Grace Chen suggests that children who are in sports learn more about what their own bodies are capable of doing in many different ways and in many different forms. In some sports the children might find out about their own abilities and talents that they might of not know that they had before they joined a sport. Also, Grace Chen a very good coach has found this out, “When children and teens participate in group competitions and activities, they learn skills that apply to opportunities both on and off the playing field”, “Pros and Cons of sports competition at the High school level”, 2015). This quote means that children can and are learning very helpful skills that will apply when they are in their

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