
Pros And Cons Of Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy Theories, a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators, Is worthy of research because its big part of everyday society. There is much controversy over these theories. Society is ill informed. Society can only either be impacted positively or negatively. Are conspiracy theories beneficial or damaging to the world is the question here. I believe that conspiracy theories are beneficial to our society because it shows that people are actually thinking about and researching what is happening around us and coming to their own conclusions rather than just accepting what they are being told. This comforts me to know there are people on this earth that still use their …show more content…

These people use conspiracy theories presented by others or conclude their own theories based on their own research, life events, and opinions. Research has found that these conspiracy theories give people a sense of control over their lives in some way. They continue to carry these theories with them and take comfort in them to help make sense of something they just can’t seem to make sense of. These are usually big traumatic events like for instance the terrorist attacks on 9/11, JFK assassination, and mass shootings (Ratner 1). These events are like a big puzzle you know what the picture is supposed to be but you have that one big gigantic enormous piece missing right in the center labeled why. We don’t know why so we make our own puzzle piece to fit in that spot so we think we have the whole picture and the answer which is human nature so we can move on that’s all everyone wants to do. According to Galinsky “Feelings of control are so important that a lack of control is inherently theatenting…” (1).
Conspiracy theories has been around since the beginning. People’s distrust of the government has been around since the beginning.These things go hand in hand. These theories usually are originated from the mistrust of the government. The more the government gives the public reason to mistrust them the more they will and the more conspiracy theories will grow. According to Charles Scaliger “Conspiracies are …show more content…

“Conspiracy is real, its effects are consequential. And its danger cannot be understated” (Scaliger 1). When you really look into the theories. First looking to the John F. Kennedy assassination. There are people that believe the government doesn't tell us everything in order to protect the general public from the truth to keep from mass chaos and hysteria. In the JFK assassination it’s believed that the government was behind it. The people that believe the government has the best interest of the people in mind also believe that there was a legitimate reason to assassinate our leader. With the same outcome as if we like many times in history and the coming future has assassinated fellow country govenerment leaders only because they were not couwaperting the way we want them to and many other factors considered into this. The people that believe that conspiracy theories that are damaging to our world think that the theorists are digging themselves into a hole and causing trouble where there is nothing wrong. Believing if it still works don’t fix it there's nothing wrong with it. Concentrating on the mass shooting theory that the government is all behind it these people believe that the government is not callous enough to just kill a mass amount of people. Also why would the government need something to give them a reason to work on gun control policies. When the government can just do whatever they want whenever they want. “We

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