Pros And Cons Of Conversion Therapy

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Conversion therapy is an outdated, unsafe, and discredited range of practices that attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation, or gender identity. Despite how discredited the therapy is, many religious based groups still practice this form of treatment. Since the treatment is has been denounced by American Psychiatric Association, there are very few regulations, and the therapy often leads to anxiety, shame, stress, depression and suicide(“Answers”). These therapy practices are especially detrimental to trans teens, as teenagers are more prone to depression, drug use, and suicide(Minino). In the US, the third leading cause of death for teens is suicide (Minino) and Trans or non gender conforming teens are 8 times more likely to commit …show more content…

Among one of the many, Leelah Alcorn, carried out suicide in December 2014. This case received notoriety across the nation, as she had composed timed suicide notes on her blog to be posted after her death. The notes included pleas for the American people to recognize and resolve the discrimination of the trans community in the US, and detailed her story of being put through conversion therapy by her conservative christian parents. Leelah Alcorn, born as Josh Alcorn, identified as a girl, struggled with depression and was eventually sent to christian conversion counselors by her parents. The therapy did nothing to help her fight the depression and made her gender identity even more confusing. This therapy was focused on the religious flaws behind her sexuality and gender identity, it promoted self hate and told her that her gender identity was “wrong” (Frantz). According to the American Psychoanalytical Association, who have also denounced conversion therapy, "Psychoanalytic technique does not encompass purposeful attempts to 'convert', 'repair', change or shift an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Such directed efforts are against fundamental principles of psychoanalytic treatment and often result in substantial psychological pain by reinforcing damaging internalized …show more content…

They believe that as a parent they should have the right to put their child in conversion therapy- because parents do have the right to admit their child under medical care when diagnosed with a serious mental condition ("Int. Jnl. of Law”). However, homosexuality and transexuality are not mental illnesses at all, and they aren't meant to be treated, especially with a discredited antiquated practice like conversion therapy. Supporters of Conversion therapy, usually come from religious backgrounds, because traditional religions, oftentime categorize being LGBTQ as a sin. Because of the religious grounds that may lead someone to go into conversion therapy, supporters often use religious freedom as a way to protect it. In response, if someone consents to do the therapy in order to balance their religion and their gender identity, expression or sexuality, then it is their right to seek that kind counseling (“Transgender People”). However, that sort of counseling is not conversion therapy, it is a therapy that can be sought out from any mainstream health professional. Another

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