Pros And Cons Of Corn Subsidies

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Corn subsidies are a major economic problem across the world. Corn subsidies are monetary assistances given by a government or person to help corn producers. They, first originating in The Great Depression Era were used after farms, already over planting, started to produce more to support war-torn Europe. The resulting grain glut drove the price of food so low that it was basically worthless. Plus, thanks to the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, so many Americans were out of work that they couldn’t afford even the dirt-cheap food available. To even out these kinds of wild ups and downs, the federal government decided to do something: enter subsidies (Urry) Subsidizing was only supposed to last until the Great Depression ended, however, it continues today. Now, instead of solving a disastrous problem, it causes one: an increase in crop and oil prices. Since corn produces ethanol, which is used in the production of oil, as corn production goes up so does oil, and when their prices increase, they do so together. Corn is more in demand because it's byproducts are getting popular . High fructose corn syrup, grain-fed cattle are all made with corn, and interestingly enough, also contribute to obesity and some chronic disease. Additionally, an increase in corn production has lead to an increase in the release of greenhouse gases. …show more content…

Small commodity farmers qualify for a mere pittance, while producers of meat, fruits, and vegetables are almost completely left out…The 2014 farm bill limits the amount of payments a person who is "actively engaged" in farming to $125,000. A spouse is eligible for another $125,000 in payments. In reality, large and complex farm organizations have consistently found ways to avoid these limits; (The Environmental Working

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