
Pros And Cons Of DACA

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How would you feel if you got told you weren’t allowed to stay with us because you don’t belong? All you want is to be treated the same as the rest of Americans. And that it wasn’t even in your control to come here. Well that’s what the children of DACA have to deal with when they start getting older and have to live for themselves; they have to find ways that Americans don’t to be able to get a job or go to college. Life can get pretty difficult, and then having the government all over you telling you things have no control over. And let’s not even bring up how long it takes to actually get citizenship for the United States. DACA helps protect thousands of immigrants, and with it coming to an end because of president …show more content…

President Trump is working on getting around 3 billion dollars for the wall and not only that, he is trying to deport ⅓ of a million people from our country. One website I was on said that 5 March 2018 was going to have to be the day that they made a decision on ending the DACA program. But the Supreme court has ruled that there will not be a decision yet. The White House has stated that the DACA program is “clearly unlawful”. The Trump Administration is blocked from ending the program on March 5th as mentioned above because the higher courts have not been taking into consideration what the lower courts have been saying. The lower courts have not been able to out there thoughts into what the decisions have been. And that is a violation of a process called, “certiorari before judgement”. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has a lot to say on the decious. First off he says “The Supreme court was right to deny the governments unusual and unnecessary request to bypass the appeals court review of our DACA lawsuit.” Which means that the Supreme court is on the dreamers …show more content…

I find President Trump a terrible person for even bringing up the down fall of President Barack Obama’s law’s. Trump is trying to undo all of the things Obama has done for our country just because he wants everything to be his way or the highway. Getting rid of DACA can make it so that thousands of people are going to lose schooling, jobs, and their whole life because one man and his supporters. General Becerra has said “Without the injunction, thousands of DACA recipients would lose their work authorization and deferred action status in March 2018 and thousands more the next month, and each succeeding month, until nearly three quarters of a million young Americans would be shunted back into the shadows of our society”. These immigrants are people just like the rest of us and just because they weren't born in the United States doesn't mean they should be treated any different. The United States is where you can go to become equal and have the rights that where your from most likely won't have. People come to to US for change and if they can't get that because of where they were born then I find that a downfall on the US. DACA people shouldn't have to be moved back to where they came from just to try and come back the “legal” way, the government should make it so they can become a citizen faster and not as complicated as what they have going on

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