Pros And Cons Of De-Extinction

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Did you know that scientist are trying to bring back extinct animals? I know, crazy, right? This could be really bad ,because we would be using too much money on de-extinction, we wouldn’t care about endangered animals, they could mess up the ecosystem, and even bring back dangerous viruses. De-extinction is not a good idea. One reason why de-extinction should be stopped is ,because we are spending a lot of money on animals that are dead ,when there are living animals that need our help. In the article De-Extinction probably isn’t worth it ,it says, “Conservation funds are limited as it is, perhaps we should devote more of them to saving similar creatures ,such as the elephant, that are still her, but in great need of help” ( Zielinski, S. 2017 ). This says that we are using a lot of money towards de-extinction ,but not spending enough to help the animals in need. In De- extinction Probably isn’t Worth it ,it also says, “Even if they’re successful, it is probably a bad idea ,because it would divert conservation money away from still living species a new study contends” ( Zielinski, S. …show more content…

The article saus. “Some conservatives also worry that if scientists can bring extinct animals back, no one will care about keeping endangered species from becoming extinct in the first place” (n.d.). This is saying that people will turn their attention away from the animals going extinct,because they will think scientist could bring them back. Stuart Pimm explains that people will think, “ Why worry about endangered species? We can simply keep their DNA and put them back in the wild later” (2013). This perfectly explains how people will think. They will be so caught up in bringing back extinct animals that their attention will turn from those endangered animals, and soon, it will be the animals that are endangered that they are trying to bring

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