Pros And Cons Of Dog Parks

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Out of both of the articals I read I strongly believe dog parks should be avalible to residents in large cities. Dog parks can be a big benifit to larger cites that are unable to proved housing with there own lot. Some houses don't proved much out door space due to houses being closely built and usely in a group. The second artical i read "No Dog Park for Muscatine" made some intresting points on there beliefe of dog parks. For instince barking dogs can cause stress and dis confort to surrounding residents. However, this may not cause lack of sleep if the park is giving a time restriction to limit problems in that area. Traffic may incress in the area where the dog park is placed, but that can be a good thing because more people might be likely to move closer to the area with the dog park and incress property demand. Other problems made in this artical can be avoded such as the fear of ingeries. If owners are awear there dog may bite another person or dog they can be asked to wear a mussel or to keep a special harniss to indicate they may be a danger. …show more content…

Just as children are given a safe place to run and play dogs should have that as well. We as a comunity can benfit from the dog park in many ways. The dogs bennift by being aloud to run free and play. Owners benefit from less personal belongings being destroted due to them acting out. As the auother pointed out aniaml abause and neglet can decress in time, as well as the space in dog shelters due tothe owners having a safe space for there dog to run free. Just the same as humans dogs need interaction too not only to teach them to be kind and get along with other dogs but the owners as well. I truely believe we can all benefit from dogs

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