Pros And Cons Of Flat Income Tax

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Briar Martindale Mr. Atkinson Flat Income Tax has Sharp Results December 5, 2014 Since the birth of America, the attitude of many Americans has been if it is not broken, then do not fix it. Although the country has become more progressive overtime and a variety of broken ideas have been fixed, one idea has been ignored. According to, “Congress passed the 16th amendment of the United States Constitution on July 2, 1909 and was ratified on February 3, 1913 stating Congress had the right to impose a federal income tax” (“16th Amendment”, 1). The current progressive tax system, which is over 100 years old, needs to be addressed and left in the shadows of the nation’s past. Implementation of a federal flat tax would …show more content…

Every April, during tax period, not only is the general population scrambling to finalize taxes, but businesses are as well. Most have hired hands to take care of their taxes because the system is too complex and over their heads. Although it is good to pay another individual to perform taxes so they too have employment, tax season can be a financial burden on many in the nation. Not only is it a financial burden, but the accuracy and price of the work is determined by how much the hired help can be trusted. Why not end doing taxes based on trust and hope and move towards a simplistic approach that a fifth grader could accomplish? As stated before, the more simpler the better. Not a new idea, and one generally supported by Republicans, a flat income tax of 20 percent would provide simplicity across the board. According to, time, energy, and money needed for taxes would be reduced considerably by this system, solely based on its simplistic approach. Not only would it benefit businesses and average citizens, the government would benefit as well. The costs required for the government to collect revenue would be greatly reduced and would allow …show more content…

The current tax code system is far outdated and needs to be updated to a flat tax to move towards a more simplified plan, eliminate discrimination on socioeconomic classes, and strengthen the economy for growth. In Greene County, or even the state of Indiana, an overwhelming amount of the tax population is in the lower class. Families within the community who face poverty are in need of a new tax system that gives them the chance to reach the middle class. The flat tax system would give tax exemption to that majority in the community allowing them to potentially pursue further education or trade skills. As well, jobs are hard to come by in the community and a flat tax system could create economic growth resulting in jobs for the community. A simplified system could help families during tax season, but even more, small businesses in the community and state would benefit most from the decrease in their tax expenses. The new flat tax system would not only directly affect the local community and state of Indiana. These same ideas would extend out to the national level affecting all communities and states. A better system for all of the federal tax population. Chances have to be taken in life, and now is America’s time to take a chance with a federal flat tax on

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