Pros And Cons Of Focus Groups

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Research Design Assessment In all exploratory research there are many forms of collecting data and information. Focus groups would have also been the same route I would have chosen to follow for this case. With focus groups you develop knowledge of particular views, gain a deeper understanding for issues, can collect data from group interactions, and they are easy and efficient to conduct. Focus groups provide the least amount of cons, for example, the data is not always easy to analyze, and the interviewer doesn’t always have the best interviewing skills. Most of the cons in focus groups arise from the interviewer, but with practice the skills get even better. With this case the city is a large metropolitan area with various demographics, …show more content…

Like one of the team members stated “Focus groups provide insightful discussion if a broad range of opinions and experiences are represented,” everyone has different ideas, but in focus groups you are able to bounce ideas of one another in order to elaborate on your thoughts. The only other difficulty within the focus groups would be getting people to actually speak about drug use to a stranger. Category Pro’s The way the survey was broken down they decided that 10-to-13-year-olds could serve as a proxy for the first two stages, nonusers and experimental users, while the 14-to-18-year-olds would shed light on the third stage, regular users, in addition to the first two. The group agreed that study of stage four was beyond the scope of their project, but that talks with adults might shed some light on this segment. Nonusers, experimental users, regular users, and drug-dependent …show more content…

In the neighborhoods visited most people agreed with one another. For example, all agreed that storytelling was crucial: the ads should present a situation, not simply recount information. Advertisements should be realistic; people want to hear about what has and could happen. Anyone can simply say “no” and most people tested didn’t want to be told what to do. Since most young people are influenced easily they also thought it would be a good idea to include family in advertisements. Celebrities were viewed negatively because they were also caught up in scandals that they were preaching to others not to do. Basically the 20,000-dollar research project found out that the current advertisements that were being used were awful and most people couldn’t remember them. Another item that was stated is how the younger generations couldn’t remember facts and statistics about drugs. What the younger people wanted was to have neighborhood programs that could give those who live in the city an opportunity to do something with there free time. They also wanted educational programs, which gave real information, and facts that were effective in communicating a clear

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