Pros And Cons Of Free Range Farming

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Free Range farming is a topic that is regularly debated.There is two sides to this argument. there are those who think that free range animals get a better and healthier life with room to forage for food.There is also the other side the ones that think that animals are better to be factory farmed because animals outside are likely to get disease and got be killed by other animal. One one hand we have got those who believe that animals who are free range have a healthier better life overall.People believe that free range can make your meat less fat and better quality they think this because an animal in a small tight space can not ran but is still given plenty of food and got even get same fattening produces.If an animal does not get exercise …show more content…

People who strongly think that free range farming is better have many reasons to this side.One of the most common is that animals can be them self they can ran play and do much more.They also get to forage for food which facory farmed animal tapically do not get the chance to doas they are in tiny cages.Anamals in free range can find there owen food like bugs, grubs, worms, grass, and seeds. But there is still people who think that free range do more harm than of the nice thing about having cooped chickens is egg gathering is much easier. With free ranging chickens your eggs could be anywhere. When our chickens free range it is not unusual to see one of us out in the yard, looking under storage buildings and bushes when trying to gather

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