Pros And Cons Of Globalization In Fashion

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But as it was understood above, globalisation as its pros and cons. And with all these advantages, faster and cheaper it is not always suitable and appropriate. In the past years, our society has adopted a consumerist style, one example it’s the clothes we buy and wear.

Fast-fashion has been a preoccupied subject nowadays. Fast-fashion clothes are made from popular trends presented in runways of well-known brands, they are supposed to sell quickly at prices incredibly low. These cheap items allow the consumer to constantly buy new pieces. (Brown, 2010)
It was in the 1960s that fashion industries begun to speed up, when young people started to embraced cheaper clothing and excluded the traditions from older generations. (Idacavage, 2016)
With such low prices companies employ certain methods in order to keep their costs in production even lower, such as moving the manufacturing to poor countries where the clothes are made at less cost, in these areas companies end up with less quality control and shipping …show more content…

For example, workers from this fast industry also suffer with this rapid consumption. As it was referred, factories to reduce their costs started to manufacture in cheaper countries where the workers are paid an inequitable amount. (A\J – Canada's Environmental Voice, 2016)

The Rana plaza collapse was a wakeup call for the world. This happened in 2013, in Bangladesh, Rana plaza was a factory where famous brands, such H&M were situated. The collapse was due to the poor conditions of the factory. More than 1000 garment workers were killed and many were injured, in average sixty billion people work in the fashion industry and yet we seem to have forgotten about the ones that make our clothes. (Environmental Leader, 2016)
Finally, people started to understand how, where and in what conditions their clothes were made. (A\J – Canada's Environmental Voice,

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