
Pros And Cons Of Hb 7069

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Mention HB 7069 and strong emotions often come forward. Now that Gov. Rick Scott has signed into law HB 7069 it isn't a question of what could happen but now what will happen.
Like many public school education supporters. I have been concerned with the way HB 7069 was crafted in the weaning hours of the 2017 Florida Legislative session. Several positive improvements to public education were sprinkled into HB 7069 in between some most concerning and controversial portions. Sen. Bill Montford said following the passage and signing of HB 7069, that the future of public education lies in the balance. He went on to say, "Do the people of Florida support this bill? Do the people of Florida understand what's in this bill?" He went on to say, "If the …show more content…

It is my hope and expectation that our school board will move quickly to abolish VAM tied to any teachers or administrator's pay in Citrus County.
The new law eliminates the Algebra II End of Course (EOC) state assessment for passing high school. While many of us wanted the legislature to go further in reducing the required high stakes state assessments students must pass in order for grade and course completion, and high school graduation, this was a start. Our hope is that next session more will be done to eliminate even more state mandated state assessment tests and/or provide alternatives to state mandated high stakes tests.
High school inter local competitive sports will now count towards meeting the high school physical education requirement as marching band, dance and JORTC already had. Special thanks to Rep. Massullo for his strong effort and support in getting this into …show more content…

Recess is a good thing, but what the legislator didn't do was removed the current required structured physical active (SPA) time which caused some districts (not Citrus County) to loss free play recess time. There are just so many instructional hours each school day and now adding additional required recess time and not revoking SPA or something else in the school schedule, then something else must get reduced or worse eliminated. It is my hope that the state removes SPA next session. It should also be noted that in HB 7069 charter schools are exempt from the mandatory

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