Pros And Cons Of How To Catch Sea Trout

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10 Tips To Catch Sea Trout In this article we will talk about how to catch sea trout and afterward give you ten tips on how to catch sea trout. There are four major types of trout that I will be referring to when I use the term sea trout. These species comprises of rainbow, brown, brook, and cutthroat trout. In fact, all the trout found inshore and near shore. The majority of the species are found in lakes as well, most of these trout seem to prefer rivers. Catching a sea trout is pretty easy. Like many other species of fish, small ones are not that hard to catch. The challenge comes with catching the big trout. The best way to simply catch a trout is to use a worm. In any case, the best way to catch a trout is to use a small hook and …show more content…

Small flies as well produce much fish in good weather. Sometimes sea trout can be selective on such days, where only the smaller flies will not work. This is only when fly fishing will work, with small flies 16-18 and a long fine leader and extremely slow retrieves. 3. There are a lot of different ideas about the best time to fish for sea trout. The best suggestion is to fish when-have the opportunity to fish. Those that fish the most catch more fish and get more experience. Sea trout is affected by the moon and its fases, and occasionally fishing can be good on the spring tide, and sometimes in periods with very low water in the high pressure periods throughout late spring. 4. Be careful when removing the hook. Using wet hands if you have to handle the fish, it is best to try avoiding it. Because of all fish we catch, trout are certainly one of the most sensitive, and have a very strong after the release of mortality rates. Release them carefully and try avoiding touching them if you can. Use needle-nose pliers, and leave enough slack in the line when releasing so you do not put pressure on the fish or lift it head first out of the water. You should never lift the fish from the water by using your rod anyway; but trout are mostly …show more content…

If the sun has been high in the sky throughout the day and warming up the shallows, particularly with dark muddy bottoms. These shallow areas maintain the heat for few couple of hours of darkness. It is during this period that larger sea trout dare to venture into shallow water for food. You should fish at least few hours at night. Try to use streamers or Muddlers will give a little movement in the water. Fish slowly and listen to splashes. 6. For the artificial lure enthusiasts out there, you are in luck when it comes to sea trout. Owing to their ambush nature, they do not exactly come in slowly for a close look when they decide to strike; they usually make that decision several feet away. That makes artificial lures very effective at catching the sea trout. Most generally used inshore, lures work well for sea trout. Like with most species, different type of lures work extremely well during different seasons, during different parts of the day, and of course in different climate

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