
Pros And Cons Of Human Cloning

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Genetic cloning has been around for over a hundred years, and throughout those years has expanded immensely from artificial embryo twinning of sea urchins, to nuclear transfers of differentiated cells, and the creation of a mammalian embryo created by nuclear transfer. Genetic cloning goes through sequential steps that require obtaining a plasmid and inserting DNA from another source into it. The resulting plasmid is now considered recombinant DNA that will divide the DNA to future cells. Gene cloning is useful for making many copies of a particular gene and to produce a protein product. Genetic cloning especially human cloning can be very useful for reproductive purposes, organ replacements, and furthering our understanding of genetic research. Genetic cloning may have positive outlooks, but can break some moral codes, decrease heterozygosity, and have security risks. Cloning was first demonstrated in 1885 by Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch artificial embryo twinning which used a sea urchin because it is a simple organism that can be researched throughout its development. This experiment proved that each cell in an embryo has its own set of genes that can grow into an organism (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2014). In 1952, Robert Briggs and Thomas King transferred the nucleus from a tadpole into an enucleated frog egg which then …show more content…

One advantage of genetic cloning is for reproductive purposes. With the technology of genetic cloning, infertile men and women would be able to have children that were genetically related to one another instead of using sperm of egg bank donors. Genetic cloning can also reduce the amount of endangered animals by helping to increase their populations and could potentially bring back species of animals that have died out long ago (Quinonez, 2014). Genetic cloning also can make traumatic injuries easier to recover from with the use of stem cells as well as using organ replacements.

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