Pro to lower legal drinking age The government should lower the legal drinking age, as it will lessen the alcohol abuse. Should the government lower the drinking age? When does a teenager considered as an adult? In most countries’ constitution, a person upon reaching the age of eighteen shall be responsible for his actions and is legible enough for his independency. When the issue on being an adult is being raised, one will immediately connect the topic on the drinking habits of these age class of people. The main issue, however, will not be their sullen state after drinking but rather on the legal drinking age set by each countries government. Most countries do allow that upon reaching the legal age (which is commonly eighteen year olds), one can consume alcohol. Republic Acts , like the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in the United States, are even signed in order to put this discussion to an end. However, not all countries are agreeing to this concept, most still forbid their young adults to take alcohol. …show more content…
According to studies, young adults consume alcohol because of their curiosity and with it comes comes the decrease on the number of fatalities and damage affiliated with excessive drinking . After reaching the age of maturity, commonly eighteen year olds , they are now considered as adult. This would be beneficial to the government and to the public. Lowering to eighteen would mean increase in bar and restaurant revenues, could make drinking safer. It will be used in research and invent new alcoholic drinks that are less harmful to the