Pros And Cons Of Magnet Nursing

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INTRODUCTION: The term “magnet status” or “magnet hospitals” became common in the early 1980s. This tag was given to some hospitals that remained successful in retaining their team of trained nurses even though there was a shortage of nurses elsewhere. Studies that were conducted on magnet hospitals portrayed the healthy relationships between nurses and patient outcomes. The outcomes that were studied were patient mortality and patient satisfaction (Scott et al, 1999, p.g. 9). “Magnet Status” is given to a facility or organization that has a few attributes. A facility is given the magnet status tag when it has substantial nursing practice, positive patients, improved patient outcomes and a professional working environment. The Magnet program in hospitals is designed to facilitate nurses and their practices (Wise, 2009, p.g. 205). Studies have proved that promoting magnet statuses at hospitals promotes the desired outcomes. Magnet hospitals have portrayed structural qualities. These qualities allow the nurses to work efficiently. The magnet hospitals also give nurses a chance to use their knowledge and capability by which they can produce excellent patient care (Havens et al, 1999, p.g. 14). PROS OF MAGNET STATUS: …show more content…

Various studies have been conducted to study the pros and benefits of magnet hospitals. Results of the studies have proved that superior working environments for nurses at Magnet hospitals is beneficial for patient outcomes. Better working environments lead to higher nurse job satisfaction. Due to these pros less nurses leave their jobs and are not exhausted. Evidence from studies is indicative that Magnet hospitals should be classified as the “best practice.” (Kelly et al, 2011, p.g.428). To summarize excellence in nursing has a two-fold benefit as it benefits patients and nurses (Lewis et al, 1998, pg.

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