Pros And Cons Of Military Industrial Complex

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The term of the “military industrial complex” was made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1961. Military Industrial Complex is a network of individuals and institution involved in the production of weapons and military technologies. Eisenhower talked with his successors to strike a balance between a strong national defense and diplomacy in dealing with the Soviet Union. He warned that the United States must “guard agains the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex”, which include member of the Congress from different districts of military industries. Eisenhower had been concerned about the growing size and cost of the American defense that was establish since he became president in 1953. Eisenhower began describing …show more content…

Eisenhower would think of today Defense Department. But from what I read its that he wasn't a big fan of the Defense Department, because in his mind maintain the U.S. Defense Department doesn't contribute to stability, it contributes to instability. So in his time like President he warned all the Americans that the day would come and he warning still holds true. “If americans could challenge the assumption, them maybe we could possible have a different and modest national security posture that will by more affordable and still keep the country safe," thats what Bacevich …show more content…

Some of the pro are: Firstly, It is used for important military matters like I previous said training, health care, salaries etc and is for all military branches such as, the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps. Secondly, It is share out with certain amount for emergency and supplemental spending. For Example, in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan the supplementary spending bill were largely financed through the federal budget that is not included in the military budget figures. Also, It is really useful for foreign threats because even though the Cold war is over and the threat from the Soviet Union in Russia is already eliminated, we have smaller threats from nations such as, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria and Sudan. At last, It is spent to ensure national security. Also there are several reasons why we should not put too much focus on the military spending. Firstly, it is share to global military that all the spending of its allies account for more than half of the total amount worldwide. Secondly, It is not balanced with foreign and diplomacy if this budgets were more balance with the military spending there would be a better chance to prevent