Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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Net Neutrality enforces that all Internet Service Providers (ISP) are prohibited from blocking, throttling, and prioritizing all digital content. This law originated from the Title II Order of the 1934 Communications Act. Although this side of Net Neutrality sounds reputable there are some drawbacks when it comes to Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality not only prohibits… investors from transforming their platform for consumers need, it also goes against the ideals of our economy, which is based on free market competition. Although Net Neutrality was created to allow people free internet access in a nondiscriminatory way, it actually gives our federal agencies more influence over our industries, which is why we would be better off without Net Neutrality. …show more content…

Net Neutrality is offering 1 body to give you your digital services without other Broadband providers interfering. Although this brings simplicity to your situation, it also creates an exclusive monopoly where your provider has all of the advantages and power. Several people don’t agree with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) decision to repeal Net Neutrality, in fact, lawsuits were announced after the vote to repeal the regulations was declared. However, shortly after, Ajit Pai chairman of the FCC, reminds us that “we are helping consumers and promoting competition.” Ajit Pai later continues by saying “Broadband providers will have more incentive to build networks, especially to underserved areas.” Although several people believe that ISPs will take control over their digital content, competition helps eliminate this factor because ISP’s will work towards having access to all networks, in order to provide good service and experience to their customers and to keep them from switching

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