Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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Network Neutrality (Net Neutrality) is a principle that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and government officials should treat all data on the Internet equally. However, there is no legal definition of how to incorporate such principles, furthermore, all authorities involved have different proposals for what net neutrality is to them. The current debates about net neutrality is much about the Internet in the state it is in now. Also, how much to allow ISPs to manage broadband networks. However, the debate is more political then technical. The Internet has become so large that the government now believes it requires regulations, furthermore the larger ISPs, such as Verizon, no longer have interest in the peripheral devices and cabling coming into consumers’ homes, the interest is in what data users consume and from whom and how much. Consequently, there is a …show more content…

The idea that bandwidth is unlimited is false, but it is finite and not scarce. However, like many consumable markets, there is a supply and demand when it comes to bandwidth from an ISP. However, the debate goes beyond just supply and demand, ISPs have the ability whom to peer with, and under what terms. Therefore, the bandwidth performance is not between ISPs and its consumers, but between the ISPs and how they are connected to the Internet resources the consumers want to connect with. Regulations written by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) states that ISPs cannot discriminate around political and economic methods. ISPs claim they only have interest in protocols and nothing else in the case of bandwidth traffic. However, the risk that is involved is that ISPs have an incentive for its users to their proprietary products, or their partner’s bandwidth traffic, or any political or economic

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