Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fusion

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NuclearPower While atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe, the bonds that hold atoms together can yield enormous energy. Releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom is achieved in two ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. His, the advantages of nuclear power generation in fusion is far greater than that of fission . Reliability

Nuclear power plants need little fuel, so they are less vulnerable to shortages Coal burning leaves ashes that will increase future radon exposures. The estimates of radon show that it is safer to use nuclear fuel than …show more content…

The results of a compromised reactor core can be disastrous, but the precautions have prevented meltdowns in all but a few cases in history. Nuclear power is one the safest methods of producing energy. No Americans have died or been seriously injured because of a reactor accident or radiation exposure from American nuclear power plants. There are a number of safety mechanisms that make the chances of reactor accidents very low. A series of barriers separates the radiation and heat of the reactor core from the outside. The reactor core is contained within a 9-inch thick steel pressure vessel. The pressure vessel is surrounded by a thick concrete wall. This is inside a sealed steel containment structure, which itself is inside a steel-reinforced concrete dome four feet thick. The dome is designed to withstand extremes such as earthquakes or a direct hit by a crashing airliner. Many sensors are in place to pick up increases in radiation or humidity. An increase in radiation or humidity could mean there is a leak. There are systems that control, manage, and even stop the chain reaction as required, such as the Emergency Core Cooling System, which ensures that cooling water is abundantly available to cool the reactor in the event of an