Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Weapons Of Mass Destruction

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Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD) are a necessary evil in order to keep countries in line through the means of mutually assured destruction or MAD. MAD was a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the annihilation of all aggressors. A WMD is weapon in one of three different weapons groups. In group one is nuclear weapons, in group two is chemical weapons, and in group three is biological weapons. A nuclear weapon is a bomb or weapon that uses a nuclear reaction to cause an explosion with a radioactive fallout after the initial explosion. A chemical weapon is a weapon that uses harmful chemicals to harm or kill people. And finally a biological weapon is a weapon that uses a living organism or replicating entities that reproduce or replicate within a host victim, The organisms or entities are usually carriers of deadly diseases in eight different categories. The categories include bacterial bio-agents, chlamydial bio-agents, rickettsial bio-agents, viral bio-agents, mycotic bio-agents, biological toxins, biological …show more content…

Nuclear weapons have a couple different way it can kill. They can kill with the initial explosion which is measured in megatons(equivalent to one million pounds of TNT) or kilotons(equivalent to one thousand pounds of TNT)and it also causes an immense amount of heat which can vaporize a person almost instantly. Nuclear weapons can also kill with long term damage. They kill with their radioactivity also known as fallout. If the radioactivity didn’t kill the person then the illnesses caused by the radioactivity will. Another factor that makes nuclear weapons so deadly is that they can be deployed in so many different ways. The way the weapons are deployed is known as the nuclear triad. The triad consists of nuclear bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and submarine based nuclear

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