The United States has been the longstanding international “hero” for almost as long as the nation has been in existence. From the open battlefield of the first world war to the urban jungle of Fallujah the U.S. has been the frontrunner against tyranny and global corruption. In recent years the nation has fallen victim to weak leadership and to far fetched progressivism. A great America is an America that puts its citizens first and others second. The policies and deals that the Clinton and Obama administrations have struck with foreign powers have been some the most appalling and damaging deals the nation has ever seen. With policies like NAFTA and government entities like the EPA it is clear to see that the left wing is dominant in decision …show more content…
Hillary Clinton wishes to not continue but expand the failed policies of Barack Obama. From the not so affordable care act to the withdrawal of the major U.S. force in Iraq, time has proven that the current leadership has made very few competent decisions regarding domestic and foreign policy. The largest blunder on the home front has clearly been “Obamacare” or the Affordable Care Act. Since 2010 the American people have suffered through rate spikes as well as ever increasing premium payments. Hillary Clinton has maintained a desire for a Canadian style healthcare system, and Obamacare is a clearly socialist styled policy. It is not understandable as to why she would maintain this desire even after Obamacare has failed miserably. Not only has the billion dollar website failed but the bill itself has imploded. In January of 2017 it is believed that the program will collapse on itself. Donald White, a senator from Pennsylvania, describes the major flaw of the ACA,” my biggest objection to Obamacare is that it was developed by a bunch of bureaucrats and that there was no input from hospitals, doctors, anyone.”(White1). The average premium for a healthcare plan has increased by 25% since the plan has taken effect. This kind of bill should not be one the powers that be should force on the American people. Under the Obama administration’s reign, the national debt has nearly doubled, and the nations foreign policy has transformed from a strong and smart ideology to one that is weak and has no true aim. The nation’s weakened state was induced by over a decade of Clinton policy. The path politicians' like the former secretary have put the country on is a path that leads nowhere but