The United States has been depending more and more on itself for it’s oil and natural gas. We have thousands of oil rigs around the country from Alaska to Louisiana. The International Energy Agency(IEA) is a group of 29 countries, spread across 5 continents with the goal of creating a way to get efficient, and reliable energy even during times of crisis. The International Energy Agency also measures global oil production, and works with major oil consumers and producers. According to the IEA we are the #3 producer in oil in the world, behind Russia and Saudi Arabia. We account for 10% of the world’s oil and also produce 9,000,000 barrels of oil a day. Today many people argue that offshore drilling isn’t environmentally friendly, because of how deep you have to drill and also that when oil spills occur, like the Deepwater Horizon, it damages the whole environment on a wide scale. In the United States most of our drilling occurs from offshore drilling. Offshore drilling is the process of exploiting mineral resources in the seabed; most of those resources are related to the oil and gas industries. Drilling is …show more content…
The drilling template looks similar to a cookie cutter and is comprised of an open steel container with the number of holes reliant upon the quantity of wells to be drilled. The drilling template is positioned above the well site, typically lowered into the desired spot with the aid of satellite and GPS equipment. Then the drilling template is cemented within a comparatively shallow hollowed out hole. After being anchored to the ocean floor and connected with cables to the drilling platform above, the drilling template enables precise drilling to occur, while also permitting the motion of the above drilling platform, which is invariably influenced by irregular wind and water