Pros And Cons Of Planned Parenthood

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This practice is legal; however, Planned Parenthood can not make a profit off selling the material for the scientific research. (McLaughlin) Planned Parenthood claims that they are doing nothing wrong, and not profiting off the aborted fetus’. Planned Parenthood told Congress that they were proud to have a role in fetal tissue research, and that the research has led to lifesaving discoveries that are helping millions of Americans. (O’Bannon) Along with selling aborted fetal tissue, one could also argue that the organization is wasting $500 million, that the United States government could put towards something else. The organization is known for wasting money on unneeded expenses, such as: travel, entertainment and office space. In 2013, Planned Parenthood spent over $5 million dollars on travel alone, that averaged to around $14,000 dollars a day. Such travel included: first-class flights, and charter travel. Also, Planned Parenthoods real estate holdings topped over $34 million for their office building, near Madison Square Garden in downtown Manhattan. (Primosch, Ferris) Planned Parenthood has also been accused of spending over $600,00 dollars on “blow-out parties”, with celebrity guests. In contrast, …show more content…

Critics claim that the organization's main focus is abortion, which many might find true due to their staggering abortion statistics. The organization set a record in 2013, performing over 350,000 abortions in a single year. In addition, 37% of all income revenue from the Planned Parenthood clinics come from abortions alone. Planned Parenthood has also issued a policy to their regional clinics, instructing the clinics that they must have at least one abortion in 2013. According to a NBC news report released in 2012, many of the 74 regional clinics opted out of the outrageous policy. (Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood

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