Pros And Cons Of Pluralism

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Under the first Amendment people have freedom of speech, any religion of their choice, and the right of assembly and to petition the government. The idea of the first amendment made the United States a shelter for all the religious groups that are prosecuted in different parts around the globe. The US became a diverse society, hosting many religious groups under the same country. The notion of embracing different religions under the same community creates differences and conflict. With these notions, the idea of pluralism is created. Pluralism tries to create an umbrella where everyone can be heard despite of their religion of choice. Meanwhile, these notions are in conflict, the idea of pluralism is in dispute as well, for different authors …show more content…

As examples, the Jewish community resents the happenings of the Holocaust, the crusades almost one-thousand years ago, and recent oriental history where empowering one religion made space to severe division in communities that we still experience nowadays. My judgment and previous knowledge persuades me to think that a pluralistic world nowadays is not possible, as Marx used to say “Religion is the opium of the people” (Karl Marx), religion is capable of blinding people and gives control to its leaders who are to do as they please with little consequence, for they are God’s chosen ones. For pluralism to completely occur, everyone who has stake in the matter must meet at the same table where everyone is equal, and equality sadly is not possible since everyone is seeing, and experiencing events through their own eyes. Religion also creates extremist beliefs, the types of beliefs that empower people to be able to assassinate brutally and even take their own lives, as we saw in the happenings of 9/11 and today with ISIS, and this kind of happenings are not easily forgotten, especially when they are targeted to other

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