Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Driving Age From 16 To 18

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Teens Driving The state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. There are plenty of pros and cons considering this situation. Being the fact that 16 year olds can be very mature, I think it should stay 16. I’m going to be stating cons on if it would be 18. This is just my opinion, be free to share yours. There are pros too, but I’ll be stating the cons, hope this can influence, or improve your decision. The first con is no experience, waiting longer will give no more experience when they turn 18. Most kids have their permit when they’re 15 and waiting to drive means they will be having to deal with more in their life, including school, jobs, and much more. When most kids are 18 they are having thoughts about college, work and some families, put driving in there, most 18 year olds can’t handle it. Being 16 with a license gives them more time to mature and practice before going into the adult world. …show more content…

They aren’t able to help with household errands in the same way if they don’t have a driver’s license. Many teens at 18 are getting ready to move out of the house and either get a job or go to college. At 17, without a driver’s license, it becomes more difficult to find work. Some kids might even go to college without a license. Finding a job without a car or license can be stressful to parents as to kids. This is why 16 should be the minimum age for drivers. Most 16 year olds are just starting to look for jobs and just getting a license fits in perfectly with where they are at in

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