Pros And Cons Of Repealing Net Neutrality

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Good day. I am writing to you to explain the current situation on Net Neutrality, and why repealing it would be damaging to consumers. As the FCC has so kindly stated, the people’s opinions are no longer being heard with the decision of repealing Net Neutrality, despite the fact that this country was built to be run by the people and what they believe is right. This decision has led me to construct this letter to try to convince you using facts, and not just opinions. To begin, states that, “In an interview with NPR's Morning Edition, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says his plan to remove net neutrality rules is a way of bringing the Internet back to how it was in the 1990s.” This is an issue because the internet has grown exponentially since the 1990s, and is larger than ever today. Millions of small websites and businesses have been started within the past seventeen years, and repealing Net Neutrality would potentially have dire consequences for these small businesses. Net Neutrality made it illegal for internet providers to block any websites and pages that they did not like, and to repeal it would cause many of these small businesses to perish because of being blocked or hidden …show more content…

By repealing Net Neutrality, service providers have the power to block these voices and make their websites and blogs run slower, which will affect the impact that they could cause. People also use the internet for research often on political matters, which can also affect opinions based on what websites they can see, which their service providers can

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