Pros And Cons Of Senator Mike Lee

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Senator Mike Lee: Why not give people a choice and let the superior economic concepts win the day? Senator Mike Lee penned a superb editorial on the proposed BCRA And it has one of the best ideas yet on the bureaucratic monstrosity known as Obamacare: Give people a choice in the matter. With this proposal the so-called ‘Liberals’ and those of the Left with their socialist national agenda can show if they are truly ‘pro-choice’. They can either show themselves to letting the people have the power of choice or they can illustrate that they are the party of economic slavery (Socialism) In the editorial penned by Senator Mike Lee on the Republican proposal to shore up the collapsing Obamacare healthcare bureaucracy he proposes giving the people a choice in the matter: …………………………………………………. …show more content…

Liberal states might try single-payer systems, while conservatives might emphasize health savings accounts. Some people embrace association health plans or so-called “medishare” ministry models. My guess is different approaches will work for different people in different places — like everything else in