Pros And Cons Of Sexual Recidivism

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Treatment and Recidivism of Sexual Offenders Sexual offenses are among the types of crimes to raise the most public concern. Parents or individual’s in general want to know if there is a sexual offender in their community. Sadly, it is not just adults who become sexual offenders, but also adolescents have been known to commit sex crimes. The problem with detecting sexual recidivism in juvenile sex offenders is the extremely low base rate of sexual recidivism and unique developments as adolescents grow making it difficult. Thankfully, as treatments and methods advances, so does our knowledge of how to treat these individual’s whether they are adolescents or adults. The purpose of this paper is to give brief definitions of the types of sex …show more content…

My main argument of this essay is that with proper treatment, and knowledge of the consequences, sexual offenders will change their mindset to not conduct any sex crimes again. Sexual Offenses Defined Sexual offenses can be defined in different ways, sexual violence, assault and harassment. The first two types of sexual offenses are categorized as more physical, whereas sexual harassment is a behavioral category. To go into more detail about those definitions, sexual violence as stated by Krug, Dahlberg, Mercy, Zwi & Lozano, 2002 “any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work.” Some examples of sexual violence include: rape, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Sexual assault and violence can be defined as the same, if one conducts rape, they are committing sexual assault and sexual violence. (Symonds & Oldham, 2014) found that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men reported experiencing rape sometime in their lives. Furthermore, an estimated 80% of women …show more content…

Women with disabilities are three times higher of experiencing sexual assault than women without disabilities. These two types of sexual offenses can be intertwined with each other as sexually assaulting someone is sexual violence. Sexual harassment is the result of experiencing offensive and unwanted behaviors, and the victim is considered to have been sexually harassed only if they can prove that some forms of offensive sex-related behavior have occurred (Nye, Brummel & Drasgow, 2014). Sexual harassment can occur anywhere, workplaces, schools, at the gym, but I will specifically target the military. A study from (Quick & McFadyen, 2017) looked into sexual harassment in military men and women. They found that men in the military are 10 times more likely

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