Pros And Cons Of Standing For The National Anthem

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Over 200 people in the national football league did not stand for the national anthem before the football game. This is disrespectful to me, I think that if you want to live in this country you should have to stand up for the national anthem out of respect for the people that died serving this land. All of the football players that took a knee during the national anthem should not be allowed to do it at there work. Just because there playing in the NFL doesn’t mean they have the right to protest. It would be different if they were protesting somewhere else and not during there job. Its not right for the people that want to watch a football game and have to watch people protest the national anthem. All people should be able to say what they think and protest whatever they want but I don’t …show more content…

No ones thinks the same about things like this but if a regular person tried to protest something like this at there everyday jobs then they would be fired. The only reason the players in the NFL are not getting fired is because they get paid millions of dollars just to do things like this and get attention. The national anthem is something we should always stand for and respect. There have been tons of people die just so we can be here today so we should at least have the respect to stand for them. I think that if you don’t respect this country enough to stand for the national anthem then you should not be able to live in it. These people don’t fight for our country every day for stupid people like the ones in the NFL to kneel for our flag. If the people in the NFL are so famous that they think they need more attention and not stand for our flag then they shouldn’t be able to be shown on tv. Our flag stands for great meaning and people should respect it and not protest it. For the 200 something people that did protest it they should be fired for doing it while they were at

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