School Suspensions, Good or Bad? Do your kids want to stay home? Are your suspension rules working? Is suspension a convenient tool for you? Over the years many students will not go to college because of misbehavior and suspensions. Although School suspensions keep the “bad” kids out of school, Students will want to go home, many students don’t learn from their mistakes, and suspensions are not supposed to be a convenient tool for principals. Some students who have been suspended could get in trouble just to go home. This is no way to help students learn. A teacher from Turners Falls high school says “last summer I was trained in a system called the restorative justice, an approach that focuses on nonjudgmental discussion, developing empathy, and repairing the damage done. We’ve put in effect for all of our 300 students.” Even though the restorative justice program makes you talk it through with your students, they would rather be at a place who cares if you are at school. This evidence is relevant because the restorative justice program at turner falls …show more content…
A teacher from Turner Falls High School suggests “When it comes to misbehavior, most schools have long practiced a basic system of crime and punishment, isolating the perceived “offender” through detention or suspension. Even last year we (referring to Turner Falls HS) might have suspended Cindy (child in trouble) first then done the restorative work second. Before that we would have just suspended her without asking what happened.” What “Cindy” did is caught on camera so this teacher says that is all the evidence they would need to suspend her. At the least get the problem to go away for awhile. Although “Cindy” would still get in a little trouble at school, she would get to stay in school to learn. So by using the restorative justice system they can figure out why the “bad kid” did what they did without having to suspend