Pros And Cons Of The American Revolution

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“Revolutions are never peaceful.” A very influential man, by the name of Malcolm X, once stated these powerful words; words that still today, summarize the cold truth that no political uprisings ever end in a peaceful manner. No dictatorships have ended with a peaceful handshake and agreement. No tyrannical leaders have ever just simply handed down their power, because the people politely asked them to. As history has clearly illustrated to us, wherever there is a need for a political overthrow, there is a need for violence. During the late 18th century, the American colonists had to battle with the oppression that was the barbaric, brutal, rule of Great Britain. Colonists were forced to praise the king, no matter what circumstances, forced to pay inequitable taxes, forced to give food and shelter to British soldiers whenever they requested it, and most notably, they were forced to give up their human rights, rights that, in theory, should never be taken from a man nor from a woman. The colonists tried …show more content…

For example, the French Revolution costed the lives of nearly 40,000 people. In addition, In Cuba, Fidel Castro led a forceful revolution against the ruthless President, Fulgencio Batista. This ended Batista’s reign of terror against the citizens of Cuba. It’s these types of oppressive, totalitarian governments, that cause the need for these types of unfortunate responses. Yes, no one wants to see people killed; it should be the last resort for people to turn to. However, the wise ancient Greek, Hippocrates, once said, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” This philosophy has retained the same meaning for over 2,000 years, and remains to be consistent with today’s global, and national conflicts. If nothing is done to stop these types of leaders, with the use of these types of vehement revolutions, then the world would exist in a constant state of

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