Pros And Cons Of The Confederate Flag

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People make connections to objects by what they think they stand for. People’s viewpoints on particular items can change because of race, education, gender, social status or by the way they were raised. The Confederate flag is an example of an object that has impacted many people and history. With that being said, the viewpoints on the Confederate flag are extremely controversial and have been for a long time. The Confederate flag has been debated because of what it stands for, how people view it, and the impact it can have on the community if it is flown on public/government grounds. The Confederate flag has been viewed as racist and as a tool to undermine Civil Rights. On the opposing side, people view it as a symbol of respect to the soldiers who lost their lives for what they believed in. The debates have emerged and then dissipated in the past, but the controversies have risen again. People are concerned by the way it will affect the community, especially now that it is becoming a popular icon for younger generations. Other people view the Confederate flag similar to John M. Coski, author of “The Confederate Battle Flag: America’s Most …show more content…

The Civil War began because America was not united in its viewpoints on slavery and on the power the national government had to dictate whether or not slavery would be outlawed. Abraham Lincoln became president and vowed to shut down slavery and to make sure it would not appear in the new territories that were emerging in America. Southerners were outraged because they used slavery as a way of cheap labor, but people started to question the morality of what was taking place in the South. When the war began, America was split in two because some of the Southern states joined together. The war was fought by the Union soldiers, who fought against slavery. The Confederate soldiers, who fought for white supremacy and