Pros And Cons Of The First Amendment

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The first amendment is the most controversial issues surrounding the constitution. In 2010 citizens united vs. fec first amendment became the biggest argument of the case. Supreme Court allowed corporations to support a party of their choice and spend as much money as they please. I disagree with the decision of the court to not put any kind of limit on how much money a corporation can spend on influencing elections. Corporations supported the party which would benefit the corporation’s personal interest. Oil companies have gotten politicians to block laws against protecting our climate because those laws were decreasing the company’s profits. Manufacturers have pushed Politicians to focus more on free trade laws instead of fair trade so the corporations can find cheap labor in third world countries. And giant corporations have gotten bail out and subsidies because there candidate were in the office. Most Americans believe corporations …show more content…

They said these limits violated the 1st amendment guarantying free speech. Obviously founding fathers where writing the 1st amendment to protect free speech of the people not giant corporations. The argument that the corporations brought up was that they should get same rights as real people do so they can spend as much as they want and whenever they want to intimidate or crush candidates running on a platform against their interest and support candidates who will do what they ask them to do. Corporations really did take advantage of this. They spend three hundred million dollars in 2010 mid-term, that’s more than every mid-term election combined since 1990. Corporations are draining our voices and getting what they want, they have found the biggest loophole in our

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