Pros And Cons Of The House Of Representives

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After the war the United States was in debt that caused Hamilton to come up with the idea of a national bank. In call for the House of Representives, Hamilton wanted to be supported by them to obtain public credit. Hamilton wanted to reduce the national debt and stabilize the nations national currency even by increasing it .Hamilton’s report on the bank was seemed to be a financial prosperous administration to finance and help improve the publics credit .Hamilton seen this as a great idea and then began to acknowledge the advantages of the bank . Hamilton saw that the bank could potentially not only just help the government but could help the citizens in their personal lives as well. This bank could also help benefit the government to use it …show more content…

As agreed with Jefferson Madison believed that we should strictly follow the constitution .The creation of the bank was not in the 10th amendment which led him to believe that it should then be up to the citizens and the government’s decision .The main argument with Jefferson and Madison was that the ability to control commerce did not have the ability to create a national bank. Jefferson saw the bank as something that wasn’t fit for the nation. Jefferson stated “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies". With that being said he was just in fear of increasing future nation debt that would damage us even more .As Jefferson still arguing that congress did not have the right to create a bank it was overturned and he lost, because the bank was actually found …show more content…

As it all came together the bank seemed to be a great thing that would increase effectual aid and provide energy to trade. Shortly after the gentlemen of Virginia rejected the bill by saying it was a suffering to the country because it was not debated like all the other bills. Ames proceeded to say that all of the laws in the constriction should be supported and should be decided by congress not by men. Therefore it was believed that it was too much animosity with some people and the bank and that it needed to be overlooked and debated more carefully. This led him to wonder if the corporate powers could even stretch the constitution like that. After noticing the powers to lay and collect taxes he swept the clause. He wanted them to consider if the bank would actually help increase the nation. Because we adopted the constitution he stated congress could be the only ones to make the