
Pros And Cons Of The Mexican War

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The Mexican War lasted from 1846 to 1848. The occurances of this war were because the United States and the Mexico disputeed over the territory between Texas and Mexico. The Mexicans thought the border was the Nueces River while the Americans said it was the Rio Grande River. The territory in between the two rivers were desired by both the Mexicans and the Americans. After Mexico seceded the war the United States doubled in size with Mexico losing half its land. The Mexican War was not just a territorial war it was a war of religions. The Mexicans were Catholic and the Americans were Protestant; the Mexicans did not like slavery and wanted Texas where the U.S. favored slavery and ignored Mexican Authority. The United States was justified in …show more content…

Since Mexico attacked U.S. troops war was declared. Before America had all of these disputes with Mexico, Pres. Polk sent an envoy to Mexico to try and buy Texas to California. All of this evidence suggests that the U.S was justified to go to war with Mexico because Mexican troops were the ones who fired on The Mexicans in fact were the ones who started the war because Americans were the ones who were. invited people from America to help populate the Northern territory of Mexico into their country even with the U.S.’s …show more content…

Manifest Destiny is the belief that God wanted the U.S. to stretch from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Coast. This belief was a wide spread one in the U.S. at this time. The president of 1844, President James K. Polk, believed in Manifest Destiny. Add it all up people support it and leader support it this equals it going to happen. O’Sullivan writes that “...Manifest Destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying of millions.”(O’Sullivan, 323). O’Sullivan is saying that the U.S. needs more space for all the people who are living in it. President Polk tried to resolve the disputes between the U.S. and Mexico by sending troops to the disputed area to settle them and instead of fighting against Mexico to get Texas, Polk tried to buy the area from Texas to California. This shows that the U.S did not start the war and that Mexico did. With that the U.S. had to go to war in order to protect ourselves and the nation while trying for Manifest Destiny. This evidence shows the U.S. was justified to go to war because of the belief of Manifest

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