Pros And Cons Of The Military Draft

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Since the start of standing armies there has been a dilemma of whether or not to use conscripts or to have volunteers. The idea of drafting men into the military has many ups and downs and with these ups and downs the downsides far outweigh the upsides, although some people may say otherwise. According to surveys, most veterans believe that a draft would be bad. Also the amount of people who would be eligible for the draft is very small. Finally the pro-draftees like to throw some statistics around about the percentages of people who have served which falsely represent the actual ratios of the population. When all of the evidence is considered the draft is proven to not be effective. The draft is a bad idea to impose on the U.S. population, …show more content…

military with these standards comes an exorbitant amount of issues including but not limited to.Another problem with the draft is that “more than two-thirds”(Stilwell) of the people that would be called upon to serve would be ineligible for service. In order to qualify to be part of most armed services a recruit must have obtained at least a high school diploma the problem with this is only “80% of U.S. residents aged 18 to 24”(Stilwell) have obtained a high school diploma. A growing problem in America is obesity might affect up to “as high as 50%” (Stilwell) of people in the united states.with all of these problems against eligibility rates the total number of people who would be eligible for military service would be close to “2 in 10” …show more content…

Also in “1975, 70 percent”(Eikenberry, Kennedy) of congress members had served in the military only 20 percent have currently. Finally the pentagon's budget has gone from “45 percent” to “20 percent”(Eikenberry, Kennedy). While these are indisputable facts they falsely show or current financial settings, because our budget has expanded a lot to many different places slanting the percentages. Finally the main reason why these statistics falsely represent the status of the military is the population of the U.S. has grown a lot and the need for soldiers to defend us has not. Though the statistics are indisputable facts the use of percentages was used to slant the facts in the pro draft

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