Pros And Cons Of The Patriot Act

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The patriot act is an act of congress that was established by George W. Bush, on October 26, 2001. The act was established to obstruct terrorism, mainly the cause of it was 9/11. This act gave the rights to officers of different ranks to search, and arrest. If they felt as if something was wrong they had they right to make sure the person wasn’t a terrorist. That means that the FBI always had to keep a look out for terrorists and terroristic attacks. Knowing how mad the Americans were at the terrorists George W. Bush signed the patriot act without little debate or house. The Patriot act was written long before 9/11, but didn’t take effect until after it. The Senate pushed the patriot Act, making a defeat to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. There has been people research and find a tremendous amount of information of what all happened the week before 9/11 that could have help push the patriot act. There were mainly attacks on the coast more than anything else. Russ Feingold was the only senator to go up against the act, he was worried with the effects would have on the libirties of immigrants. …show more content…

There has been court cases such as doe. Vs holder, the case rebelled the patriot act. The case ignored the fact that the FBI compelled communications entities and internet service providers. It allowed the FBI to send national security letters to banks libraries telephone and internet companies. The case of course didn’t win but they put up a good fight, and were made famous after their run. The thing that the government lacked about this act was the debate and talk about it, there was very little talk and a fast quick decision about the

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